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Best training courses for autism caregivers

Published on September 20, 2024


Caring for an autistic individual in India comes with its own set of challenges and rewards. 

The demand for skilled caregivers is increasing with growing awareness about autism. Whether you are a parent, a family member, or a professional caregiver - you must equip yourself with the right autism training. It is crucial to provide effective care. Fortunately, many autism certificate programs in India cater to autism caregivers, offering valuable insights and practical strategies. 

In this blog, we will explore some of the best autism courses with certificates available in India.

  1. National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) - Bengaluru
    NIMHANS, one of India’s leading institutions in mental health and neuroscience, offers specialised autism courses with certificates for caregivers.

    The institute provides a range of courses, focusing on early intervention, behaviour management, and communication strategies for children with autism. NIMHANS also emphasises the importance of understanding the cultural context in which autism is addressed in India, making their courses particularly relevant for Indian caregivers.
  2. Action for Autism (AFA) - Delhi
    Action for Autism (AFA) is an organisation dedicated to improving the lives of individuals in the spectrum and their families.

    AFA offers various training programs, including BEd SpEd ASD (Bachelor of Education - Special Education Autism Spectrum Disorder). This autism training program is designed to equip caregivers with practical tools and strategies for supporting the development of children with autism.

    AFA also offers short-term and customised training options for those who cannot apply for the full-time degree.
  3.  Communication DEALL - Bengaluru
    Communication DEALL (Developmental Eclectic Approach to Language Learning) is a well-known early intervention program for children with communication disorders, including autism.

    But the best part is - this program offers manuals and assessment tools for parents and caregivers. And these work as private autism training programs.

    That’s because these manuals and tools focus on early identification and intervention strategies in great detail. They give important insights to improve your autistic kid’s developmental skills. You can buy these materials directly on their website.
  4. Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) - Mumbai
    The Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) offers a range of programs in disability studies and rehabilitation (including autism). You can apply at the Centre for Disability Studies and Action. It is designed for both professional caregivers and family members.

    The course helps understand the diverse needs of people with disabilities and how to apply practical solutions at different levels. It teaches skills for creating inclusive environments and making sure people with disabilities have better access to opportunities.

    The course also focuses on building self-awareness and developing empowering, collaborative practices for working with people with disabilities.
  5. Spastics Society of Karnataka (SSK) - Bengaluru
    The Spastics Society of Karnataka (SSK) offers multiple training programs for parents, caregivers, and professionals working with children with autism and other developmental disorders.

    Their D.Ed Spl. Ed Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities is an autism certificate program by the Rehabilitation Centre of India(RCI). 

    SSK focuses on practical, hands-on training, including how to create supportive home environments, manage challenging behaviours, and use communication aids. The program also guides accessing government schemes and services available to children with disabilities in India.
  6.   Institute for Remedial Intervention Services (IRIS) - Chennai
    IRIS in Chennai offers training to professionals, parents and educators in dealing with developmental and behavioural disorders such as autism.

    They work to raise awareness about autism and the needs of children with special needs in India by building the facilities and training the teachers who will work in special education.
  7. Behaviour Momentum India (BMI) - Bengaluru
    Behaviour Momentum India (BMI) started as an initiative to help improve the quality of life for those on the spectrum. Now they are a 100+ team making this goal a reality.

    As a part of their mission - they offer comprehensive autism training programs for parents and caregivers. BMI’s Parent Training Program is designed to teach caregivers how to implement ABA strategies at home, helping to reinforce positive behaviours and reduce challenging ones.
  8. India Autism Center (IAC) - Kolkata
    The India Autism Center (IAC) offers autism training programs through its Autism Training Academy, designed for professionals and caregivers. 

    Their comprehensive courses cover a range of critical topics, including early identification, and effective intervention strategies. It also covers the role of caregivers in promoting development and independence. 

    IAC emphasises evidence-based practices, providing participants with the tools to make informed decisions on various therapies and support systems. The training programs also focus on building inclusive environments and improving outcomes for individuals with autism. 


Being an autism caregiver in India requires a combination of knowledge, patience, and compassion. 

The autism courses with certificates listed above give a lot of resources to help you become a more effective and confident caregiver. Whether you’re looking for basic understanding or advanced strategies, these courses provide the tools you need to support individuals with autism in their journey toward greater independence and well-being. 

Investing in your education as a caregiver is one of the most important steps you can take for the person you’re caring for. It will also benefit your personal and professional growth.

 Author: Medha Dey | Training Academy Mentor
