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IAC Blog

Navigating the Spectrum: Unveiling the Multifaceted Challenges of Autism

Introduction In the realm of neurodiversity, Autism stands as a distinctive spectrum disorder with a diverse range of characteristics and challenges. As a leading organisat....

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IAC Blog

All You Need to Know About Sensory Challenges in Autistic Individuals

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition that affects individuals across a wide range of functioning levels. One of the often misunderstood asp....

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IAC Blog

The Crucial Role of Parents in Managing an Autistic Child

Parenting an autistic child presents unique challenges and responsibilities. With the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) on the rise, it becomes imperative to unde....

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IAC Blog

5 Tips for Promoting Social Skills Development in Individuals with Autism

Emotional intelligence versus Intellectual intelligent in paperwork Introduction Promoting social skills in autistic individuals is a crucial endeavour that requires underst....

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