India Autism Center
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Who We Are

Families with children who have neurodevelopmental disabilities often ask, “What will happen to our children after we’re gone?” To address this concern, India Autism Center was founded in 2019 in Kolkata as a non-profit organization. Its mission is to support and empower individuals with conditions like Autism Spectrum Disorder.

India Autism Center aims to change how society views and cares for neurodiverse individuals, promoting greater autism awareness. By helping these individuals reach their full potential, the Center also gathers valuable insights to improve care and understanding of Autism worldwide.

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There are three verticals that cater to these aims of the India Autism Center.

IAC Vision
Residential Campus (this is an upcoming facility at Sirakol near Kolkata)
IAC Ongoing Projects
Training Academy to develop a strong, committed and caring professional network to work with individuals
IAC Past Projects
Digital Platform where parents are able to consult with qualified professionals from different areas of disability support


Our Vision is to create a world class ecosystem that provides holistic care, and enables the neurodiverse community to be self-reliant.
Our Residental campus is targeted to open doors in July 2026.

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Our Mission

India Autism Center aims to be a leading global player in disability support services in the following ways:

IAC Vision
To design a residential center that proactively responds to the needs of the neurodiverse community.
IAC Ongoing Projects
To build a sensitive eco-system which ensures safety and promotes sustainable living.
IAC Past Projects
To provide evidence-based support.
IAC Vision
To promote research about autism and other allied conditions.
IAC Ongoing Projects
To provide quality training and equip professionals to develop a deeper understanding of autism.
IAC Past Projects
To attain global outreach through digital means.

IAC Crayon

Our Story

India Autism Center is a culmination of a dream that has been long in the making. The founder and Managing Trustee of India Autism Center, Mr. Suresh Somani, is a parent to a person with a neuro-developmental disability. The many challenges that both he and his wife faced while bringing up their son solidified their resolve to do better by children like theirs. In 2008, Mrs. Namita Somani, wife of Mr. Suresh Somani founded the Amrit Somani Memorial Center. ASMC, as we call it, has been providing dedicated, one is to one, intervention to individuals with Autism and other neurodevelopmental conditions for over 15 years and has touched the lives of over 100 individuals. But the pressing needs of the community far outweighed what ASMC could alone address. The most pressing of all the needs was the need for an answer to the question, ‘What after us?’ India Autism Center owes its genesis to this very question and has grown into an answer that addresses it and much more. It aspires to create an entire eco system where care will be readily available and accessible.

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Our Policies

We believe that the devil lies in details. To this end we have drafted comprehensive policies for every aspect of our services. All our policies are publicly available for those who are interested in knowing about our decision-making ethos and our governance.


Suresh Kumar Somani

Managing Trustee and Member of Board of Governors

An investment business co-owner, Suresh Somani founded the India Autism Center inspired by his son and his needs. A business leader who promotes value-centric practices he believes that wealth must be used for greater good. This philanthropic pursuit is among others efforts he has undertaken; and is closest to his heart.
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