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Training Academy

Published on September 27, 2024

Why is training so important in disability management?

Training is vital in managing disabilities. Especially for those with neurodevelopmental diorders. 

Training gives parents and professional caregivers the knowledge needed for specialised care. Because neurodivergent individuals cannot benefit from education and social opportunities without the right support.

Caregivers often face social isolation too. Training programs help them positively cope with this.

The dearth of training that exists

Due to unfortunate stereotypes and the prevalent stigma around neurodivergence - not many disability management training programs are available in India. 

It creates a shortage of trained professionals. Families and caregivers struggle for support. There is even a lack of data that can show how many trained professionals in India are currently available to help neurodiverse individuals.

This underscores the urgent need for more training programs. With 2 million+ neurodivergent Indians, the demand for trained staff grows. So does the need for high-quality training programs. 

Quality training is rare

Some institutions like NIMHANS provide basic disability management programs. But finding high-quality, specialised training all across the country is tough. 

Often, these programs lack practical experience. The trainees are left unprepared for real-life situations. 

To fill this gap, the India Autism Center (IAC) has launched its Training Academy. It aims to offer superior training to professionals and parents.

India Autism Center: Establishing quality training

The India Autism Center has made training programs to fix gaps in disability education.

 Its Training Academy offers courses for professionals, blending theory and practice. 

On August 23, 2024, an expert committee met at the Amrit Somani Memorial Centre. It confirmed IAC's dedication to quality training.

We’re doing this with the best in the field -

Our committee of top experts gave valuable input on the course structures. The committee included:

They shared insights on three courses. 

Behaviour support staff can take the Level 1 course. Special educators can take Level 3 training. RCI-registered professionals await the advanced Level 4 program. 

Each tier builds expertise progressively.

What was covered in the meeting?

In the meeting, Training Academy experts and mentors discussed ways to improve the courses. The Level 4 course for experienced professionals will start soon. It aims to boost the practical skills of RCI-registered professionals.

The expert committee also proposed a new BA course in neurodevelopmental disorders. It will launch soon with Neotia University. The course will follow NEP guidelines. It aims to train future professionals in this vital area.


Starting 1st July 2024, IAC's Training Academy has launched its level 1 course. 

Its goal is to improve disability management in India. By training professionals and partnering with schools, IAC is paving the way. 

We want to ensure everyone with a neurodevelopmental disorder gets the support they need to have a better quality of life.

 Author: Puja Dutta | Training Academy Mentor
